ed’s note

So, I urge you to embrace change – even when it’s uncomfortable or challenging. Trust in the process and know that you have the strength and courage to navigate whatever comes your way. Because when we embrace change with an open heart and a curious mind, we discover new depths of joy, meaning and purpose that we never could have imagined before.
Until next month,

Change is never easy, is it? But it is inevitable. Some embrace it, others fight it. Sometimes change is forced upon us; other times we seek it out. Regardless of how it happens, it requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace the new, the frightening, the unknown. It challenges us to let go of the familiar and to open ourselves up to new experiences, perspectives and possibilities.
There’s so much going on in the world right now that demands flexibility and resilience. Apparently ‘body positivity’ turned out to be toxic, so now ‘body neutrality’ is the new in thing (see page 10). Of course, Eskom’s load-shedding schedule keeps changing on us, with energy experts warning we could face Stage 8 and beyond. Um, hello? We’re still getting used to Stage 6 over here! See page 62 for ways to cope.
Change – in life, career, relationships – can be annoying and difficult, but it’s also often the foundation of hope and renewal. It’s an opportunity to shed old patterns, beliefs and habits that no longer serve us, and create space for something new and better. But perhaps the most profound aspect of change is the way it reveals our true selves.
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