Watch our instructional videos to help you improve your game in the three key areas of putting, short game and long game
Practise this drill to help master the important skill of visualisation.
short game
Learn how to play the perfect long bunker shot.
long game
Unlock the secret of playing an effective shot into the wind.

All photography and videos taken at Milnerton Golf Club. Book a round and experience this fantastic links-type coastal course.
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Images & video: Max Sullivan

About the pro
Grant Hepburn took the helm as CEO of GolfRSA in 2015, but his passion for coaching still burns strong. He cultivated a proven track record in amateur and professional golf circles after joining world-renowned coach Robert Baker as his assistant on the PGA Tour in the 1990s. Grant also coached several champions on the European Tour, Asian Tour and the Sunshine Tour, as well as many of the country's top amateurs. He served as the national coach of the SA Golf Development Board for many years and has trained more than 100 coaches locally and internationally. He has lectured in Long Term Athlete Development and Advanced Golf Coaching for the PGA of South Africa and currently oversees the GolfRSA National High Performance Squad.