event guide
event guide 2023 #STATS

Combined Event Guide
Combined analytics for all 3 chapters of the Event Guide. The chapters were released at regular intervals prior to the event. Each new chapter had its own cover and also included the previous chapter, culminating in the full Event Guide 2023. This allowed readers the opportunity to have all previously published content in each newly released chapter – including the sponsored material – which also allowed for sponsors or advertisers to release new material in each chapter. It also allowed for good frequency, regular communication and continual social media campaigns.

Total page views:
248 570
Total time spent:
3 Mins, 35 Seconds
Traffic, devices and navigation
Combined analytics for all 3 chapters of the Event Guide. The pie charts indicate where the traffic is coming from, the devices used to view the publication and navigation within the publication.

NOTE: Additional analytic information is available on the downloadable pdf document below. Click on the RED icon.
All 3 chapters combined. This is every page in the Event Guide and ordered by time spent on each page. There may be duplications of the page stats as each chapter (after Chapter 1) included the previous chapter’s pages. They may therefore have been visited again and attracted further traffic. The analytics overview shows all the pages but does not combine the same pages over the various chapters.

TOP REFERRERS (in combined order):
The referrers are the main source of traffic origin to the publication. This combined figure is reflected by a similar pattern on all the individual chapters/publication.
1 - Instagram
2 - Facebook
3 - www.cape-epic.com
4 - YouTube
5 - Twitter
The order of analytics is followed as on the full (combined) event guide. Further analytics can be found on the downloadable pdf – click on the red icon.
Chapter 1

Total page views:
Traffic, devices and navigation
Average time spent:
4 Mins, 59 Seconds

TOP REFERRERS (ranked in order):
1 - Facebook | ||
2 - Instagram | ||
3 -YouTube | ||
4 - Twitter | ||
5 - www.cape-epic.com |


published by:
