daily mags

Combined analytics for all the Daily Mags. The magazines were published daily by 08h30 and reported on the previous day as well as the following days route and route maps. Content, images and video files we supplied from 14h00 every day and checked and signed off prior to publishing by 08h30 the following morning. Every daily magazine had its own cover and unique content.

Total page views:
38 133
Traffic, devices and navigation
Combined analytics for all 9 Daily Mags. The pie charts indicate where the traffic is coming from, the devices used to view the publication and navigation within the publication.

NOTE: Additional analytic information is available on the downloadable pdf document below. Click on the RED icon.
All 9 Daily Mags combined. This is every page across all the Daily Mags and ordered by time spent on each page. Click on the GOLD icon for a full list of pages in order by time spent.

TOP REFERRERS (in combined order):
The referrers are the main source of traffic origin to the publication. This combined figure is reflected by a similar pattern on all the individual chapters/publication.
1 - Facebook
2 - Instagram
3 - www.cape-epic.com
4 - Twitter