Continuing a brand that belongs

In keeping with the identified target market as per supplied presentation from TOPS at SPAR – CHEERS vs dash and focusing on CHEERS:
Your tailored Connoisseur!
CHEERS is our leading complimentary asset for our readers who have a unique appreciation for alcohol, spirits, wines, beers, recipes, cocktails, local, global and African business and news by journalists. Articles like food pairings and molecular mixology complete the canvas for entertaining our readers. It’s all about the world’s finest.
- Age 30 – 55
- Get traditional news
- Value depth of articles which attracts a specific reader
- Appreciate journalism
- Read by connoisseurs who have a unique appreciation for liquor.
- Interests/Content Pillars: Knowledge

Due to their differences and the content appealing to different target markets, these magazines can most certainly live side by side
With this in mind we don’t propose to change the tone or the fact that the publication is content driven. There is an expectation of quality content that offers more depth and insight into the liquor categories and products. The fact that the pandemic has made all of us comfortable with consuming content digitally and that we have been able to produce the magazine on a cutting edge platform makes CHEERS magazine extremely relevant to this identified market – but also to the burgeoning social classes and LSM’s that are looking to be more informed regarding brand and category; that have the ability and want to purchase in the premium categories. CHEERS give them this knowledge, helping to influence their purchasing decision.