Continuing a brand that belongs

We change the magazine to a monthly publication. This will allow for a more frequent discourse and interaction with the TOPS at SPAR target market.
SIZE: (Pagination)
The magazine changes for a 10-15 page magazine (currently 30) – we eliminate most of the lifestyle content and focus on the liquor categories, tasting, drink recipe – we will continue with responsibility, fishing and potentially one food related feature. This will also include more up to date TOPS at SPAR advertising. The frequency potentially makes the advertising time effective.
Updated look and feel – new masthead, different body font – giving the mag a facelift. A new feel.
CHEERS magazine is well known in the industry as (potentially) the leading multi-category content provider in the liquor space. This is a valuable asset that should be nourished – and can be done effectively within the marketing mix that is put out by TOPS at SPAR. Besides the actual cost of the title, the magazine is light and easily distributed within your other digital platforms. The niche and market as well as content strategy ensures that it stands without any confusion with regards to its purpose and other assets.
Dedicated videos per issue. This will be in the form of a cocktail recipe, wine comments and whisky review in each issue. They will be commissioned as per the issue content and will be produced for various formats including the magazine, YouTube channel and social media platforms. We have seconded the use of a very experienced and well known videographer for these productions. This will be included in the cost.
Besides the current distribution which has largely been as a result of trying to grow the digital footprint organically from an almost zero base we would like to see where we could be integrated into TOPS at SPAR communication.
We have also had good discussions with Gareth George and how we can collaborate to increase the basket across the platforms. Gareth made initial contact – he has of course been supplying content for some time now. We have both agreed that there is value in a collaboration across their digital platforms – which just from a database perspective will give us an immediate jump to around 18000 within their database structure. Based on their team input we can expect further ideas and suggestions on how to distribute the magazine even further.

We will also look at a fixed bought media spend per month. I don’t want to promise the world but we would look at boosting posts across social media platforms weekly. This would primarily be as a subscription drive.

TOPS at SPAR and SPAR continue to have guaranteed advertising space in the magazine – due to the size of the new mag we would suggest 4 for TOPS at SPAR and 1 for SPAR. We would be able to sell advertising up to a maximum of 5 pages – which would be for Integrated Media’s account.